Archivio Vivente

Living Archive

On 4 October at the Bernardini Library in Lecce, the Living Archive was inaugurated… a story projected towards the future of Odin Teatret.

The cultural association Appercezioni, for the Spores Project, supported the event and, in collaboration with Carraro Lab, created the Sensitive Archive, following the Third Theatre’s inspiration. It is an immersive video that tells the experience of the Baratto di Carpignano.

Il 4 ottobre, presso la Biblioteca Bernardini di Lecce, è stato inaugurato l’Archivio Vivente, che proietta una narrazione verso il futuro dell’Odin Teatret. The cultural association Appercezioni, for the Spores Project, supported the event and, in collaboration with Carraro Lab, created the Sensitive Archive, following the Third Theatre’s inspiration. It is an immersive video that tells the experience of the Barter in Carpignano.

Below is the photo report

Photo: Francesco Galli

Archivio Vivente

Ha inaugurato il 4 ottobre presso la Biblioteca Bernardini di Lecce L’Archivio Vivente..un racconto proiettato verso il futuro dell’Odin Teatret. 
L’ass. cult. Appercezioni, per Spores Project ha sostenuto l’evento e ha creato con la Carraro Lab, l’Archivio Sensibile, sull’onda del Terzo Teatro, un video immersivo che racconta l’esperienza del Baratto di Carpignano.
On October 4th, the Living Archive was inaugurated at the Bernardini Library in Lecce, projecting a narrative towards the future of Odin Teatret. The cultural association Appercezioni, for the Spores Project, supported the event and, in collaboration with Carraro Lab, created the Sensitive Archive, following the Third Theatre’s inspiration. It is an immersive video that tells the experience of the Barter in Carpignano.
In basso il reportage fotografico
Foto:  Francesco Galli