Dissemination – SPORES in Italy

 Palazzo Martinengo – Brescia Italy – 04/02/2023

During the kick-off meeting, we held Spore training session on methodology for the Implementation of a prototype training session as per the SPORES methodology (Brescia, Italy)

A detailed discussion was held on the new methodology of representation, which is applicable across all artistic expressions and particularly relevant to multimedia, bringing forth innovative significance. This methodology was presented in Brescia on Saturday, February 4, 2023, at the Palazzo Martinengo to a wide and engaged audience. The discussion also covered the relationship between art, science, and new technologies. This was done in collaboration with the Municipality of Brescia and the CTB (Brescian Theatre Centre), showcasing a multidisciplinary approach that bridges diverse fields and fosters innovative intersections in the creative domain.

February 25, 2023 Open air event – Carpignano Italy

The SPORES contribution to the Sensible Archive of Lecce presents an innovative approach that, using advanced technologies, evolves the very concept of the museum. The content focuses on “Il Baratto,” originated in Carpignano in 1974, considered among the most significant experiences of contemporary theatre by theatre theorists and cultural anthropologists. Anticipating some aspects of the digital spatial revolution, evidenced by the metaverse and web 3.0, the concept designed for the virtual archive of “Il Baratto” is positioned as a distinctive project on an international level. The aim is not merely to sensationalize but to guide towards a new epistemological approach, softer and more open to experimentation as first conceived by Goethe: rooted in a place, open to the unexpected, and to unexpected logical connections.

Between February 20th and 25th, 2023, Andrea Carraro engages with Eugenio Barba and Julia Varley to finalize the project’s practical approach. During these dates, CarraroLAB, in collaboration with sociologist Emanuele Amoruso, conducts site visits in the municipality of Carpignano to take photographs and 360° videos, collecting testimonies from key figures of “Il Baratto.” The archive’s goal is not to describe the historical events related to the story but to bring the event to life through the memories of Carpignano residents who experienced it. These voices will indeed be the background for archive images of “Il Baratto” from 1974, placed within virtual spaces created from the 360° photographs taken on-site.

The intended result is a map of freely navigable virtual places, where the user encounters archive images narrated from the perspective of people who experienced “Il Baratto” not as a historical event but as a poignant moment in their lives.

Comune di Tresigallo Italy 20/05/2023

“Appercezioni” had the honor of collaborating with the Municipality of Tresigallo for a presentation of our Spores project, in partnership with the Tresigallo cinema. During this event, we delved into and showcased our work in synergy with the Municipality of Tresigallo. The artists involved created an installation inspired by the SOGNI building, marking the inception of the grand project by Flavia MAstrella, later named MEGAPIXEL. Our collaboration was further expanded to include a local brewery owned by active young locals, where we organized a course dedicated to the metaverse.

Torvergata university Rome Italy 15/12/2023

Intermediality course presentation
Music, theatre, video, dance, poetry, photography
How is the dialogue between art and new technologies constructed? How does the habitat become a stage space? How do we write for the performance?
These and other topics were explored during the 3-month free course on Intermediality:
Meetings with artists (including Eugenio Barba, Antonio Rezza and Flavia Mastrella, Maria Letizia Gorga, Ermanno Baron and many others), insights into performance experiences in Italy, Denmark and Albania, future planning, the possibility to participate in rehearsals, etc.  The course was held in collaboration with MILLA, a workshop on literary scripts for the Performing Arts stage directed by Florinda Nardi. The course was completely free of charge

Teatro Vascello Rome Italy 16/12/2023

In connection with the event in the University of TorVergata, Appercezioni present a session of live performing and dissenination in the historical theatre of Rome, the Teatro Vascello.


University Tor Vergata Rome Italy 06/05/2024

The 11th International Conference ‘Cultures of Modern and Contemporary Theatre. Per Angela Paladini Volterra’ the dissemination of the project within the Laboratorio Milla, Scritture letterarie per le scene dello spettacolo. This three-month course was realised in collaboration with the Laboratorio Milla, directed by Florinda Nardi and sponsored by the Department of Culture of the Municipality of Rome. The workshop was held at the Department of Letters and Philosophy of the University of Tor Vergata, with the aim of proposing a new mode of expression based on the coexistence of different artistic approaches.


University Tor Vergata & Laboratorio Milia – Rome Italy 07/05/2024

Each student was accompanied in the development of his or her natural and instinctive abilities, leading to the creation of personal works. In this context, literature, set design, music, theatre, photography, film and dance were intertwined with new technologies, resulting in a varied workshop, rich in inspiration and creativity.

The group of artists presented the 4 experiments that animated the Spores project are shown, explained, reworked. The protagonists are the Appercezioni company, anarchically directed by Federica Altieri. Career Golden Lion duo Flavia Mastrella and Antonio Rezza, Eugenio Barba and Julia Varlej from Odin Teatret, Valerio Peroni and Alice Occhiali from Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium. People received a QR to view them at home too

The event was realised in collaboration with the University of Tor Vergata, Laboratorio Milla, and the Municipality of Rome,

Goethe Institute Rome Italy 28/05/2024

The dissemination of the Spores project continued in May at the Goethe Institut in Rome, thanks to the deep relations established with the Goethe and the German Embassy in Rome, which also supported the last event at the Romaeuropa Festival. Giuliano Logos and the Wow collective, Federica Altieri, Flavia Mastrella, Maria Letizia Gorga and Oriana Cardaci, together with the Carraro Lab, worked on new artistic expressions in relation to performance poetry and new technologies. As well as, of course, presenting all the technological experiments carried out in the Spores project. The dissemination was open to both Goethe students and interested parties. Here, too, relationships arose that continued in the last dissemination in Rome lasting a month and that led to the students participating in the final event. This new modality, due to its deep involvement, led to its repetition at the Copenhagen I.I.C.

The event was realised in cooperation with the Goethe Institute in Rome, the German Embassy, the Municipality of Rome, the WOW collective.

ex Mattatoio Testaccio Rome Italy 07/09/2024

In Rome, the dissemination, given the great participation, continued in September and October, before the big final event within the Romaeuropa festival.

The venues where it took place were the Ex Mattatoio di Testaccio ( https://g.co/kgs/YPSCxS6) and the Matemù centre ( https://g.co/kgs/P5CQtRi), with a great participation of young people during the month. We worked on the new Spore methodology and on intermediality deeply linked to new technologies. The young people who participated were involved in the last Spores Project event held within the Romaeuropa Festival ( https://romaeuropa.net/festival-2024/spores/ ). The dissemination made in Rome was so intense that it created a working group of young people who gave themselves the name of Palestra delle emozioni and met in the Pigneto area at the Finizzano 27 centre.

In collaboration with Romaeuropa festival, Azienda Palaexpo, German Embassy, Municipality of Rome, Matemù cultural centre.



Biblioteca Bernardini Lecce Italy 04/10/2024

The Floating Islands Living Archive

LAFLIS will be the place to reflect on what the Third Theatre movement has been and still is, which was inspired by Odin Teatret’s experience, spreading all over the world, even in places ‘without theatre’, founding a ‘new tradition’, not necessarily bound to the dynamics of production and consumption of a performance. ‘Theliving archive,‘ writes Barba, “protects the documents and artefacts of the ”past’ in order to rediscover the silence that is Memory of the very ancient. And this Transmission develops relationships, collaborations, publications, films, theoretical meetings, exchanges of experience, specialisation courses, training. Finally, the living archive is Transformation, metamorphosis, palingenesis, a change of forms and languages that lets the imagination fly and restores a sensory existence to documents that are only apparently silent and inert. The living archive is an environment for investigation, archaeological study and futurology of the theatrical past and creativity’. It is therefore an operational, social and emotional space, available to archivists, scholars, theatre and dance people, and visual arts artists: ‘a refuge for practical study that is an effective springboard for the imagination, the equivalent of the “laboratory theatre” of the last century’, the director explains.


Romaeuropa Festival Rome Italy 07/10/2024

Thanks to the collaboration with the Roma Europa Festival, which put the premises of the Ex Mattatoio di Testaccio at their disposal, the Appercezioni Association was able to create a show summarising all the work done over the previous years and put into practice the work done and the experiments carried out. The space was entirely redesigned by Flavia Mastrella to host over 12 live performances in which music dialogued with 360° videos, dance with poetry and theatre, the metaverse with analogue photography, etc..